I dream of teaching people happiness

Olena Strelchenko



Olena Strelchenko image

To the question: "Who do you want to be?" little Olenka answered for a long time: "a nurse!" Later on, the path of her professional dreams changed, and Olena began to dream of working as an accountant. But even later still, having fallen in love with cooking, she finally decided: "I will be a cook!"

As she desired it so much, so then it happened. Olena Strelchenko studied to be a cook, and before the Russo-Ukrainian War hit her country, she worked as a master of industrial training in the profession of ‘Cook. Confectioner’. Put simply, she was a teacher of practical classes teaching students confectionery skills.

Upon her arrival as a refugee in Prague, and due to the fact that she does not know the Czech language well, she went to work as a cleaner at a school. She admits that at first it was very difficult to morally ‘bounce’ from a teacher to a cleaner.

"But I agreed with myself and decided that if I can't do what I love right now, then I need to love what I do. Now I have found advantages in my work: thanks to me, the school is becoming much cleaner! In addition, I have a convenient schedule for me, I can take my child to work with me, pick him up from school on time," says Olena.

Of course, Olena does not plan to work as a cleaner all the time. This is an intermediate stage in her life. Now she is studying to become a happiness coach. Olena notes that she does it primarily for herself. But in the future, she plans to offer people consultation. Olena dreams that, having learned to be happy herself through adversity, she will teach happiness to others.